Availability, prices and booking direct

Booking direct will be processed by our booking system (called FreeToBook) and no payment will be taken until you, and we, confirm a booking.

Our prices and availability may change daily, so that SPECIAL OFFERS can be incorporated into the price.

Availability, prices and booking direct

Booking through this website is by far the most direct way to book and does not add booking fees or service charges. You will sometimes see that 7 nights cost less than 6, this is because a built-in saving is included with full week, Friday to Friday bookings.

We now advertise with ListDirect.co.uk as a verified owner, you can rest assured that we are who we say we are.

List Direct Owner verification badge

We accept online payments using Stripe. However you may also pay with bank transfer, just drop us a line and we can let you have our details.
If you wish to pay in Euros or other currencies then we recommend using WISE (formerly TRANSFERWISE). It’s an online money transfer service which takes only a very small commission, unlike your bank or PayPal. It is easy to use and the money arrives on the date that they promise, sometimes earlier. They guarantee that the exchange rate stays the same as it was at the time of your order. Use this link to visit their site and you may even get a special offer.

We also accept direct bookings requests made within two weeks of arrival date (last minute deals) and for low-season weeks.

If you are looking for availability, prices and booking direct stays of longer than two weeks, you may find that our availability system will not allow you to choose your preferred dates. Please contact us in this case, as long as your check-in OR check-out day is Friday and the weeks are available, we will be able to override the system for you. Our maximum booking period with our partnering sites is 4 weeks, however we may consider your request for short extensions to this on an individual basis. We’re happy to hear from you.

You may also book Sorgente Holiday Cottage on other OTA websites, however, you will be charged 20-25% more without any benefit. By booking direct on our website you will save money, and you will always be able to speak with us, the owners. Read more about our Best Price Match Offer.

Please remember that we operate a strict NO PETS, NO SMOKING policy for Sorgente.

Check-in not before 15:00 (3pm)

Check-out by 10:00 (10am) to allow enough time for attention to detail when preparing for our next guests.